Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Result of my first photo shoot!

Me and two of my friends from Hallo Academy entered a D&AD student award contest.
The brief was for the Dove self-esteem fund.
Our concept was to encourage young female teenagers to "discover the power of self acceptance"
So I had my first photo shoot a couple of months ago and I worked with a professional photographer, models, stylist and illustrator. It was a lot of fun cause I got to be the director! ahhah Steve came too to help me out.
And this weekend we just heard that our idea was selected for the "In Book" award,
which means that our work is going to be published in the D&AD book.
And these books are going to be sent to advertising companies all over the world. pretty cool right??!!
But anyways here are the before and after picture.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

a day on the beach

it was a hot sunny day for the first time in amsterdam.
there were so many active dogs it made me miss fancy!




small dog checking the small dog


the cousins


marvin trying to take a picture of himself

the beach

playing catch

running dog


another running dog

look at all the dogs.. so active

the nikon photographers

i'm freeeee"

guess who's taking all these pictures =)

looking at the result

pineapple reminds me of my mom, she went through a pineapple craze when we were in sf

on the phone with mom

marvin walking down to the beach

enjoying the wind and sun

looking cool

Jessy's bday!

Jessy's birthday 8th of March

opening her first present

marvin ready to eat

opening her second present

proud of her present from rienk


steve and nikon

thanking her parents

present from her parents

steve looks like he's praying for snow


desiree and wesley

tante and om


Gerrit the cat! she peed on my shoes twice!!! but she's super sweet

a character we created using egg yolk, some green onions, carrot, leaves

laundry basket

Steve made me fit into a laundry basket!! hahaha j/k
i wanted to do it.


Went on a trip to Antwerp - Belgium with Marvin & Marloes (m&m).
Nice city, good shopping street and really nice food and hmm. chocolate!
Story of Antwerp: Antwerp comes from the word Handwerpen which means "throwing the hand."
We saw a statue of a Roman statue (Brabo).
He saved Antwerp by attacking the giant, cutting off his hand and throwing it to the water.

Antwerp square

waiting for the tram

close up

original antwerp fries

hairy beaver

Marvin and the dog on the wall

What's marvin doing? steve looks like a loner.

Marloes getting annoyed at Marvin! =P


band playing on the street

they were really good!

Antwerp buildings - a little different from Amsterdam

fountain in antwerp

fountain of antwerp

steve said "peace"

the famous "antwerp"

posing on the "antwerp" heheh