Monday, September 15, 2008

Prime minister of holland donated his space!!!

My team (Floor, Jordi, Kelly) and I worked hard for the past year with Move Your World organization and if finally paid off!!!! This Friday we finally reached our goal for "Donate your Space" campaign. Reminder: the goal of the campaign was to get the attention of the government so that they will push through with reaching the 8 Millennium goals by 2015.

As much effort as we put into this campaign, it won't make much difference in the third world countries. The people that are in power are the ones that can make a real difference. And all we had to do was inspire the government with our creativity and determination. And so we have been asking since the beginning of our campaign to meet with the prime minister of Holland (Balkenende) and our request was finally granted. Prime Minister Balkenende and Minister Koenders acknowledged our work and was amazed by our creativity and interest in the 8 Millennium goals. On the 25th of September they will meet with the UN and he is going to mention our campaign and the enthusiasm of the young Dutch people.

We had a little press moment at the government building in Den Haag. Minister Koenders was so impressed with the idea of donating your space he asked us how we came up with the idea. It was our proud moment. In the ceremony, we gave both of them a "Donate Your Space" tie and a board which showed pictures of people's participation. And in the end he donated a space in his office.

Floor, Jordi, and I left the building feeling satisfied and happy to know that the work we did for the past year has paid off. Our idea was recognized and supported by so many different types of people, from teenagers, people abroad, senior citizens, to the government. And the best thing is that we did it to help the world. Thanks for all your participation and support guys!

"Donate your Space" tie

press moment with the presenters

Prime minister Balkenende and Minister Koenders

They donated a space in their office building. See me in the back?

1 comment:

  1. *CLAP CLAP CLAP!!!!!!*
    I am so utterly proud of your work Doll!

    God Blessed u with ur creativity and that big heart. Xoxo, JJ
